According to historian Michael H Hart, there are three ways to judge the success of a person:
(i) The smallness of means;
(ii) The greatness of purpose; and
(iii) The results achieved.

His purpose was great - to take on the entire British empire - perhaps more daring than someone taking on the USA today for seeking freedom for a fifth of the world's population and ... that's the catch... WITHOUT ANY VIOLENCE. These surely make the plan great... I mean greatly difficult to achieve. I daresay none of us would even have the courage to take up such a task!

True... one man with courage makes a majority!!
And the results - they speak for themselves - freedom achieved without violence, an exemplary ascetic life, the respect of seniors and the love of children, a storehouse of writings (atleast 50,000 pages, as published by the Government of India) and the spiritual father to non-violence adherents such as Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Dalai Lama and Aung San Suu Kyi among others.
Einstein said of Mahatma Gandhi (and no, he had never met him, only corresponded with him) - "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked the earth"
We, as heirs of the Gandhi legacy, have a right, nay a duty, to create India's identity with Gandhi's ideals - showing to the world that we deserve and respect Gandhi's heritage, of providing alternate solutions to the conflict and problems in the world today. As Gandhi said, "What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?"
Let our remembrance not be short-lived. Let us adopt his ideals in our life..
Let us remember this picture in all that we do from now on:
In all our actions, in all our speech, in all our thoughts, let us think WWGD - 'What Would Gandhi Do In This Situation'.. and then act accordingly.