Unfortunately lost to each other by religious divides, both the Gayatri Mantra and Surah Fatiha are, in fact, an assertion of and complete submission to divinity. Note the following comparative translation:

We meditate on the glory of the Creator;
Who has created the Universe;
Who is worthy of Worship;
Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light;
Who is the remover of all Sin and Ignorance;
May He enlighten our Intellect.
A sufi exposition of the Gayatri Mantra is here.
Praise be to Allah

Lord of the Worlds, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Master of the Day of Judgement!
You alone we worship,
and to You alone we look for help.
Guide us to the straight path,
The Path of those upon whom You bestowed favours,
not those who have invited Your wrath, nor those who have gone astray.
An explanation of the Surah Fatiha is here
What is surprising is that these commonalities among the spiritual paths have been lost in the haze of 'organised' religion. There have been some efforts by interfaith scholars like Maulana Naved Usmani who wrote the celebrated 'Agar Ab bhi na jaage to', which claimed that references in the the Quran to prophets include Lord Krishna and Rama. It also said that Vedas could be the divinely revealed books to Prophet Noah. The book also identified the similarity between Gayatri Mantra and Surah Fatiha as well as other aspects of these religions. Read an article about this here. The hindi version of the book is available here.
Wikipedia article on Gayatri Mantra is here and Surah Fatiha is here
A rendition of Gayatri Mantra is here and of Surah Fatiha is here
very very interesting reading
Other than the (mostly trivial) similarity of the supplicatory language, one would be hard-pressed to find underlying connection between the quoted passages.
Thank you for this oasis in the desert. Gayatri mantra is for me a description of the "Nur Muhammadiyya", the light of the light. congratulations from a muslim of spain who loves Muhammad, Isa, Krishna and all the cows and birds of the entire India and Pakistan, and the last sand.
Hi.I also note this wonderful similarity. Pl see on shakilakhtar.wordpress.com/surah fatiha and gayatri mantra.
Glory of God, the Supreme, The Ultimate Creator, Obserber and Destroyer, The Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient..
It is heartenung to find pleasant similarities across religions on the Supreme and the connection between Self and Supreme..
The future religion is Religion of Humanity, Scientific Spirituality..
At a superficial level, the two streams of knowledge, Science and Spirituality, both aimed at finding the ultimate truth, appear to be contradicting and nullifying each other's principles.
Science, developed on perceivable evidence-driven reasoning and logic, advocated that the attainment of truth is possible only with the help of material based scientific investigations and developments. Spirituality recognizes that the means of attainment of this truth lies within in the form of immortal soul, which is the Conscious Self. In other words spirituality is the science of consciousness, involving mind, body and spirit relationship. A subject of divine faith and devotion, initially, it leads to realization of ultimate unity of all beings.
If the true meaning of science is understood – as search of truth beyond any barriers of matter and visible world, there would be no difficulty in accepting the fact that spirituality also falls in its periphery which pertains to sublime domains of realizations.... This attitude widens the scope of knowledge and search of ultimate truth through perfect integration of modern sciences and the ancient science of spirituality and religion.
I want my love back in my life with the assist of astrology. There may be many causes of far away the love from my life but astrology is the best key solution to rectify the whole life. I want my husband back in my life because I cannot stay alone without him and unable to enjoy my whole life so I want my love back. I want my wife back, I want my bf back, I want my ex back can easily be got with the assist of several astrology techniques just making an appointment with expert astrologer Acharya Bhushan.
I Want My Love Back By Pooja
I Want My Love Back By Vashikaran
My 5 year old son asked me for a 5 star chocolate, I gave him raisins and nuts. He ate it, but was disappointed as his expectation of a specific chocolate was not met. Even though what I gave him was better and healthier for him. I ask myself what are my expectations from God, what do I ask/ pray for ? .
Oh God give me such a job, car,money,house,marriage partner? we can go on being highly specific in our prayers but what really is the most sensible thing to ask in prayer.
The Gayatri Mantra and Surah Fatiha (opening of the Quran ) is God telling us " Why do you want to be so limited in asking when I want to give you something much MORE !". Gayatri and Fatiha both begin by praising God and asking for Guidance. What if we prayed for Guidance to make the right decisions . If we had that decision making ability we could simply apply it to any situation be it deciding on a job/ car/finances/marriages/ relatives anything in our daily lives. This saves us a lot of trouble ....here is how
By being very specific in our asking we are setting our selves up for disappointment as God ALWAYS gives you what you "need" Not always what you "want". If you keep praying like this and keep getting disappointed , your faith in prayer slowly dies.....
By praying for Guidance,You are in a better position to accept whatever is the result as you did not limit your choices to a specific set of things, you simply asked to guide your intellect to make good decisions and you believe what is given is good even though it may not be apparent at first.
My son cannot see the wisdom behind what he got, but as he matures and evolves he will. Let us pray that we evolve in our relationship with God to be able to see the wisdom in what he gives.
Surah Fatiha and Gayatri Mantra
Check out this blog on what is the right thing to pray for from God ? Ram or Raheem !
Absolutely correct. I am also of the view since long. How will it be, if Surah Fateha be translated to Sanskrit and Gayatri Mantra to Arabic. Scholars of these languages should try to do such work. It will be for the sake of humanity and mankind.
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